
AbraMelin Incense

AbraMelin Incense

An incense of frankincense, storax, and pure Vietnamese aloeswood compounded according to the specifications in the Book of the Sacred Magic of AbraMelin the Mage which produces a sweet... more

large vial:


Aloeswood (Aquilaria malaccensis)

Aloeswood is a very rare and intensely spiritual wood that has been used for millennia as a temple incense, to establish sacred space and attract good spirits, and to strengthen and cheer the mind and spirit. more

Powder: 5 g:


Belladonna (Atropa belladonna)

Also known as Deadly Nightshade, this highly toxic herb is named for Atropos--the Fate who cuts. It has been associated with witches since antiquity and can be used to connect with the spirits of the witches of old. It is also used in spells of love and fascination. more

Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)

One of the sacred trees of Ireland and the British Isles, blackthorn is associated with the ogham letter Straif , which according to McManus' "Irish letter-names and their kennings" bears... more

Calamus (Acorus calamus)


Calamus, or sweet flag, is a wetland plant with a reedy stem and green flower somewhat resembling a tongue. The name calamus derives from the Greek for 'reed pen', referring to the use... more

Charcoals: Self Lighting

Charcoals: Self Lighting

Self lighting charcoals contain saltpetre, which enables the discs to light quickly with a dance of red sparks. Available in two sizes. more

Copal Oro (Hymenaea courbaril)

Copal Oro

Gold copal has a fuller scent than copal blanco, with less of an airy quality and more fire. Traditionally, it is burned to purify the home, the temple, and on shrines to honor the... more

Damiana (Turnera diffusa)

Damiana has a sweet spicy scent, but soon turns smoky when burned. It is used in infusions as an aphrodisiac, and also to initiate deep visions. Mix with other more pleasant burning... more

Dammar (Canarium strictum)


Dammar is a Malaysian word meaning 'light', and this resin has a light airy lemon like smell that is said to lift the spirit and bring light to the darkness of the soul. more

Datura (Datura stramonium)

Datura's sharp spiny "thornapple" seedpods and enchanting night blooming flowers belie the dual nature of this plant. One of the classic witching herbs, Datura is known for it's entheogenic... more

Whole Root:


Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus)

Dittany of Crete

Dittany of Crete is a very rare herb that only grows wild on the island of Crete used in magical practice for the development of clairvoyance and for the materialization of spirits. more

Dragon's Blood (Daemonorops draco, Dracaena cinnabari)

Dragon's Blood

We offer dragon's blood resin from two separate plants, Daemonorops draco (Indonesian Dragon's Blood) and Dracaena cinnabari (Medieval Dragon's Blood). The resins are added to spells, incense, oils and inks as blood substitutes in order to increase their power and potency. more

Earthing Smoke Incense

Earthing Smoke Incense

Earthing, or grounding, is the act of fixing the spirit in the material plane. Smokes of earthing are used for two main purposes: they are used to return those who have, in trance, crossed... more

large vial:


Florida Water

Florida Water

Florida Water is a distinctly American formulation adopted into American magical traditions to purify and cleanse. Florida Water was already part of many Victorian era households at a time... more

Out of Stock 4 oz blue glass bottle:


Frankincense (Boswellia sacra)


In Isis and Osiris, the historian Plutarch relates that Egyptian priests burned frankincense at dawn, and it's not hard to see why. The scent of frankincense which is fresh, balsam, lemony... more

Frankincense, Black (Boswellia neglecta)

A beautiful dark frankincense resin from Ethiopia. Unlike other frankincenses, which are bright and full of the power of the sun at its height, Black Frankincense is the power of the sun... more

Galangal (Alpina officinalis)

Also called Low John to Chew and court case root, don't confuse it with the sedge galingale. Galangal has a sharp, spicy scent good for curse-breaking, winning in court, and psychic... more

Root, whole:




Hagstones, also called hex stones or holey stones, are stones with a natural hole in them which acts as a door to the otherworld. As such, hagstones are used in all manner of charms and magical operations, more

Hellebore (Helleborus niger)


A classic herb associated with witchcraft, hellebore is ruled by Saturn and was used to purge the body of black bile, the humor which carried melancholia and madness. Similarly, it is burned in rites of banishing. It was also one of the powerful and poisonous herbs included in flying ointment and is said to possess the power to render magicians invisible.

Root, whole:


Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)

Henbane is one of the traditional herbs of historic, medieval witchcraft. Sacred to Hecate, crowns of henbane were worn by the dead in Hades. It is said to bring storms when burned... more

Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa)

This deep red flower possesses intoxicating aphrodisiac properties and is mighty in spells of lust, passion and romance. Add it to potions with other aphrodisiacs shared with a lover on... more

30 g (1 oz):


High John the Conqueror Root

High John the Conqueror Root

High John the Conqueror Roots are some of the most used, varied, and powerful amulets used in Hoodoo. Anoint with High John Oil and carry as an amulet for luck, sexual power, and to control and have mastery over others. more

Manhood Curser:


Indian Head Penny

These copper pennies were minted in the US from 1859 to 1909 and are used in spells to protect your property from meddlesome people and those that mean you harm; the Indian chief featured... more

Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)

Lavender is an herb of ease and succor and the comfort of home. It's used for purification, to ease tensions of the mind and body, in healing spells, and promote fidelity. more

Lucky Hand Root

Lucky Hand Root

Lucky Hand Roots are orchid roots that resemble a deformed grasping hand, though some are more deformed than others. All are useful for gamblers and others who need an extra hand to get... more

1 large root:


Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)

Meadowsweet, a plant of damp locations like wet meadows and marshy ground, was also known in Chaucer's time as meadwort from its use as a flavorant for meads and ales. Indeed, the plant... more

Oak Galls (Quercus sp.)

Oak galls are growths formed as a response to wasps laying eggs on young twigs; the holes in the galls are where the young wasp emerges. The galls themselves are full of tannins and were... more

Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens)

Palo Santo (Spanish for “holy stick”) is the common name of a tree in the resin-bearing torchwood plant family, which also includes frankincense, myrrh, various copals and other... more

Chips: 30 g:

Resin: 30 g:


Purification Incense

Purification Incense

Purification prior to magical work is a necessary step in order to remove the miasma that accumulates from everyday life. Our own practice incorporates a full purification rite that we... more

large vial:


Rose (Rosa spp.)

Roses are the quintessential flower of love, and are perfect for love philters, baths, or incense. These petals are from the French rose first domesticated by the Greeks and Romans and later grown in Medieval gardens. They retain a soft scent and bright color. more

Sacred Space Incense

Sacred Space Incense

Sacred resins, woods and herbs are blended into an altar incense to be used to create sacred space during meditation and general workings. more

large vial:


Three Magi

Three Magi

An incense consisting of the offerings of the Three Magi from the East to the Lucifer, the Christ child, the Light in the Dark, the inner light of knowledge and indwelling divinity. It... more

large vial:


Working Oils

Working Oils

Potent oils for a range of practical spell-work. These oils are ideal for dressing candles, sachets, and amulets, and are the oils we use in our own work. more

Out of Stock Blessing:

A bright oil of the Sun with Herb of St. John, frankincense, and balsam. Use for blessings, uncrossing, and health. This is our primary oil when setting lights for people needing a little added boost. We often mix this oil with Luck, Protection, Success, or Healing.

Out of Stock Luck:

A golden oil with four-leaf clovers and cinquefoil to draw luck and favorably influence the Mercurial whims of fate. Anoint wrists and pulse points to increase fortuitous events and windfalls, or anoint and burn candles to remove obstacles when it seems like your luck has run out.


An oil to evoke the beauty and mystery of the Evening Star with fragrant roses, rich orange blossom, and musky spikenard. Use to attract new love, intensify a current relationship, or engage in any work of beauty and pleasure.

Out of Stock Attraction:

An infused oil of deep roots and alluring spice formulated to attract what you may desire. Anoint candles or lodestones during spells, and anoint the body at points sympathetic to that which you wish to attract: wrists for money, genitals for lovers, feet for new opportunities, throat and heart for friends, etc.


A Jovian oil for personal power, wealth, and prestige with oak wood, sage, and storax. We use this oil in spells to help clients secure jobs and promotions, draw customers to a business, or to increase fame and notoriety.

Out of Stock Protection:

A tenacious oil harnessing the power of rue, myrrh, and herbs of Mars. Use in rituals to ward and protect your house, friends, and family from harm, or wear when entering dangerous situations.

Out of Stock Healing:

A crisp solar oil incorporating juniper, lavender, and rosemary, specifically blended for works of magical healing. Add to a bath, healing sachets, or anoint candles when setting lights for quick recovery.

Out of Stock Mental Focus:

A sharp oil with citrus and mint to focus and quicken the mind. Add a few drops to a votive jar candle or anoint the wrists and temples when studying, reading for new information, or working on difficult mental projects.


A rich oil using calamus and imported mastic. Use when you need to exert control over situations, institutions, and people in power, such as court cases, college applications, or immigration paperwork.


A restricting oil of Saturn using bindweed and hellebore. Useful for setting boundaries and binding the will of others, most commonly to prevent them from doing harm to you and yours.


A dark oil making use of blackthorn and henbane. Used as the opposite of Blessing oil for those rare occasions when harm needs done.
